The mission "Improving the material, energy and emission intensity of the economy" was chosen in connection with the current development trends in the field of energy and raw material resource management and taking into account the key needs of the Czech economy and society associated with the transformation. The purpose of interventions in this area will be to contribute through research, development and innovation to the transformation of the Czech economy towards efficient production and use of raw materials and energy resources, optimization of production processes and reduction of dependence on external raw material sources.
The mission of Improving the material, energy and emission intensity of the economy is divided into 3 sub-areas:
- Decarbonization aims to achieve such a technological readiness of the Czech economy that by 2030 it will be possible to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 44 mt CO2 eq.
- The goal of Decentralization is to adapt the electricity system or other energy networks to the development of local renewable energy sources in order to create the technological conditions for increasing the share of decentralized energy sources to 25% in 2030.
- In the area of Circularity, the aim is to achieve a technological level of industrial design, production and processing processes and the functioning of the market for secondary raw materials, which will enable the rate of circular use of material to triple by 2040 compared to the levels of 2017.
For each area, a Mission Objective Card was prepared, describing the basic parameters that must be achieved to accomplish the mission. Details about the mission and the design of the mission objective cards can be found in the document Annex 1. Background material on the mission with an explanation of the wider context is available here (in Czech language only).